Gray Ducks Wear Green on St. Patrick’s Day

Cayuga duck

St. Patrick’s Day is one of our favorite holidays, not because the Irish love a good duck, not because Mallards have green feathers, but because March 17th is the anniversary of the first time we made soap. It was a simple olive, coconut, palm and sunflower oil cold-process recipe scented with bergamot essential oil that sparked an obsession and eventually a business.

And what better way to celebrate than by raising a pint to St. Patrick with this old Irish toast:

“If water were whiskey and I were a duck,
I'd swim to the bottom and drink my way up!”

Now through Sunday, March 19, get 20% off Black ‘n Tan beer soap or Brew Master shaving soap, both made with a famous Irish stout beer that rhymes with “pin us.”

Plus, all orders over $25 get a free Black ‘n Tan beer soap (while supplies last).

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