About Us

Customers often ask, "Why are you called Gray Duck Soap? Do you use duck fat in your soaps?"
No, we don’t use duck fat and no ducks were harmed in the making of our soaps, in fact, we help ducks by donating to Ducks Unlimited for waterfowl habitat conservation.
We're named Gray Duck Soap because in Minnesota kids play the game “Duck, Duck, Gray Duck;” but everywhere else in the country the game is called “Duck, Duck, Goose.” And that’s just wrong, dontcha know? It’s gray duck, not goose. So the name Gray Duck Soap is our stubborn ode to Minnesota.
Gray Duck Soap reflects Minnesota owner and artisan Michele Picard's unique wit, whimsy and verve.
Gray Duck Soap has been keeping the Twin Cities clean since 2015.
Michele Picard, owner/artisan, Gray Duck Soap®, LLC